Introducing Lifetime Staking Clock NFTs on Binance Testnet. Learn How Easy to Mint Clock NFTs & Earn Lifetime Reward!!!

5 min readApr 22, 2022


Clock24 is a DeFi advancement organization that offer cutting edge DeFi 2.0 arrangements, trying to ad lib the marking module, with its Cx24 auto-staking convention. The principle result of the organization is the $C24 token, that offers remarkable beneficial suggestions to facilitate token holders.

Life Time Yield Generation

The life-time yield generation is maintained by an imaginative system that rearranges the yield to support token development. The development of $C24 token is kept up, at a rising marginal utility rate using deflationary mechanics, which diminishes the token flow intermittently to keep up with the symbolic cost.

Notwithstanding the deflationary system to maintain the token value, Clock 24’s life-time reward generation gives a steady amount of return persistently for limitless time. This long lasting reward generation can be achieved by clients, by entering a Neon, Gold, or Silver clock NFT at the protocol’s forum.

Users currently have three Clock NFTs available at the forum. The breakdown of their value proposition is here

Neon Clock

Exquisite reward in the shortest clock iteration!

A Neon Clock can be started by holding something like 400 C24 tokens. When a clock is set, it can’t be reset, in any case, it will reliably produce life-time returns in $C24 for you. One more grateful component of the Neon clock is the lesser time stamp for remuneration conveyance. Not at all like the normal cycle, whose award cycle span is at regular intervals, the Neon clock has the proper APY which is dispersed on everyday schedule after at regular intervals, restrictive to the holders as it were. They will get 3.25% DPY (Daily Percentage Yield).

400 C24 X $0.75 (Current Price)

1 Neon Class Costs = $300

24-hour reward: 13 $C24

13 x $0.75 (Current Price) = $9.75 (If cost goes up either $50 or $100 you will get same amount of tokens)

Gold Clock

Generate 2.031% interest in every 24 hours

A Gold clock can be set by contributing 250 C24 tokens. When started, the brilliant clock creates an award level of 2.031% at regular intervals for limitless time spans. In the Clock 24’s stock, an aggregate of 4000 brilliant tickers are accessible. (NFTS can be move and tradable)

250 C24 X $0.75 (Current Price)

1 Gold Class Costs = $187

24-hour reward: 5.075 $C24

5.075 x $0.75 (Current Price) = $3.8 (If cost goes up either $50 or $100 you will get same amount of tokens).

Silver Clock

Minimum investment of 75 $C24 for a life-time interest of 0.609% every 24 hours

The Silver clock is made by the venture of 75 C24 tokens, which has the prize reflect time of 24 hours that yields 0.609% return each clock cycle. An aggregate of 8000 Silver clocks is accessible on the organization for silver clock.

75 C24 X $0.75 (Current Price)

1 Silver Class Costs = $56.25

24-hour reward: 1.82 $C24

1.82 x $0.75 (Current Price) = $1.365 (If cost goes up either $50 or $100 you will get same amount of tokens)

Clock 24 NFT minting steps to follow!

To initiate your minting process, you must follow the below stated steps in sequence

  1. Firstly, you need to configure testnet on your metamask wallet here: Network Name: BSC Testnet.
    New RPC URL:
    ChainID: 97.
    Symbol: BNB.
    Block Explorer URL:
    Then connect your digital wallet (either MetaMask, Coinbase or Electrum) with forum. Once you have successfully connected your wallet, move to the next step.
  2. Secondly, You should have BNB in your wallet to pay NFTs mint fee. here you can get testnet BNB:
  3. Then you have at least 75 C24tst token on your wallet to mint Silver NFT. 250 C24tst tokens for Gold Clock NFTs and 400 C24tst token for Neon NFTs. If you didn’t fill google form to get testnet C24tst tokens you can write our admins they will send you 1000 C24tst tokens so you can test different types of NFTs without any hurdle.
  4. Select the Clock NFT that you would like to mint. At this point you need to consider the intent of each Clock, and choose the one which matches your goal. Mint NFTs here:
  5. After selecting your Clock NFT from the available options on the Clock NFT page, Click on the Mint NFT option and add the amount of NFTs you would like to Mint. Mint NFTs here:
  6. Lastly, after entering your proposed value, Click the Create NFT button at the bottom of the page. Once your NFT(s) is/are minted, you will receive notification.
    This pop-up notification is a receipt of your NFT, which has your NFT amount, and NFT ID on it. Don’t forget to note down your NFT ID, you might need to use it later!
  7. Once you have successfully minted your desire NFTs then you have to wait for 24 hours to claim your reward as following:
    a) 13 tokens/day on Neon
    b) 5.07 tokens/day on Gold
    c) 1.82 tokens/day on Silver

If you still face issue reach out to us on our telegram group or watch this video.

Clock 24 FAQ’s

Why different types of CLOCK how it works?

We have 3 different CLOCK categories Neon/Gold/Siler exclusively for C24 token holders. There is limit and number of C24 tokens required to create a clock once clock created you will get an NFTs with respect to clock that you have selected.

Is it possible to transfer a CLOCK ownership?

Yes, we have implemented tranfer sharing mechanism so once ownership change only new owner will get respective reward.

What happens to REBASE reward after create a CLOCK ?

That rebase reward will transfer to reward pool you will get reward according to clock which you have create.

When this platform will get live?

Well our DAPP is ready to go live though you can proper functionality of this portal mid of this month. dAPP.

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